Care and Grow: How to Get Clients for Your Home Care Agency

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Wondering how to get more home care clients? Here’s what you need to know.

The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that 20.60% of the U.S. population will be over the age of 65 by 2030. So, what does this mean? It means that in less than a decade, a fifth of every American is going to be a retiree. And for the elderly care industry, this gives them a boost.

In fact, home care services alone increased by 50.5% from 2013 to 2020.

That being said, thanks to a growing industry, finding clients for home care becomes harder. For your business to be successful, your home care service should stand out from the crowd.

There are a lot of factors that could tip the scales in your favor, such as home care marketing services. Depending on your business goals, whether it’s to reach more of your target clients, generate more leads, engage and grow your community, or increase revenue, there are digital solutions that you can implement.

In this blog, we talk about how expanding your client base is important for your home care business to prosper. The following are what you need to land more clients:


Getting referrals is a critical part of attracting new clients. This is a low-effort way to reach your target market. It is also where most of your clients will come from. Personal recommendations increase your chance of getting a potential client’s trust.

These are the referral sources that would guarantee your prospective client’s attention:

1. Clients and their Families (Existing and Former)

The best referrals are from those who have tried your services. What your clients and their families say can make or break your home care agency. If they have a positive experience, they’re likely to recommend your business to their friends.

Encourage your clients to share their experiences. One way to do so is by having referral incentives. You can give discounts, freebies, and even bonus services. Another way is by keeping a harmonious rapport between your brand and your clients.

Maintaining a good relationship with both former and current clients is beneficial. It helps your business improve and personalize the services you provide. It also makes it easier for you to approach them, and for them to refer you to people they know.

2. Healthcare Professionals

Similarly, a good relationship with healthcare professionals will boost your reputation. Partnering with different trusted healthcare professionals will help your home care agency gain more recommendations.

Reach out to potential partner physicians, occupational therapists, social workers, and nursing staff. Build a professional friendship through chats and visits. Let them know what your home care agency has to offer. You can also leave brochures at their reception area or at their front desk.

A great reputation among healthcare providers ensures that more home health care clients will come your way.

3. Hospital Discharge Planners

Likewise, getting referrals from hospital discharge planners is another way how to get private home care clients.

Establish a great reputation as a home care provider that supports hospital discharge planners. Make sure your business has the capability to care for clients while following their discharge plans.

Your good name will then precede you, helping you garner more clients through word of mouth.

This is why it helps to ensure that you track where your business gets its referrals. Doing so will help you figure out which sources you need to focus on. It’ll also make it easier for you to thank those who recommend you.

Community Engagement

Another great tip on how to get clients for your home care agency is to be active in your community.

As a home care provider, you should have a strong bond with the community you serve. Becoming a prominent figure in your locality will build your reputation as a trustworthy business.

It will help you stay visible to potential clients, widen your professional network, and establish your authority.

Here are some examples of how you can be active in your community:

  1. Volunteer at and/or sponsor events relevant to your business. These could be charity events for your local senior center, local health fairs, or seminars at local assisted living facilities.
  2. Become a guest speaker at retirement communities, nursing homes, and rehabilitation centers. Talk about relevant and informative topics that will interest your audience. Share your knowledge of exercise, nutrition, memory, and other topics that will benefit your audience.
  3. Reach out to local businesses, entrepreneurs, and organizations for partnership opportunities.

Becoming involved in your community is an effective way to boost your reputation and meet would-be clients.

Social Media

A strong social media presence is beneficial in reaching potential home care clients. For your home care agency, setting up a Facebook page, an Instagram business profile, and a Twitter account is great for brand awareness.

Being found online is crucial in gaining the attention of prospective clients and their families.

Your business can use social media to your advantage through these tips:

  1. Establish your brand by using the same name and logo across different platforms. Make sure your name isn’t already associated with other businesses. Ensure that your social media accounts are professional while reflecting your brand identity.
  2. Make frequent posts. Inform your followers of your services, special offers, and upcoming events. Publish blogs on topics related to your industry that interest your audience. Publicize reviews and testimonials from your clients.
    Reviews, like referrals, are vital to your agency. Positive reviews make your agency appear reliable and trustworthy. Your clients’ words are powerful in convincing potential clients to try your services.
  3. Interact with your audience. Answer inquiries and reply to comments. Build a good relationship with your followers.
    Engagement gives clients confidence in your brand and validates how they have faith in your knowledge and services.
  4. Share photos, videos, and publicity materials relevant to your agency. These let your followers know what you do and offer. It also helps widen your reach and attract a larger audience.

Having an engaging social media presence is a great way to reach more audiences. It helps you gain a positive reputation and persuade more clients to try your agency.

Digital Marketing

In the same way, digital marketing is vital to attracting more clients. With clients and their families searching online, it can only be of importance to make sure that your business is visible.

Here are ways to ensure that more home health care clients can readily find you online:

  1. Make sure to have regular updates on your website. Have a website that’s easy to navigate with up-to-date informational articles. Review your website and improve your articles when possible.
  2. Improve your website’s performance. Use search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to increase traffic to your website. See to it that your website contains content your audience deems useful.
  3. Publish client reviews. Having your clients’ reviews visible on your website gives you more credibility and appeal in the eyes of potential clients. Your prospective clients want to get to know you through the words of other clients.

A hassle-free way to achieve these is by working with companies that offer home care SEO. Doing so will help put your brand on the map and enhance your efforts. With the help of digital marketing experts, your business can focus on caring for your clients and making sure that your agency is smooth sailing.

How Do Home Care Agencies Get Clients?

To grow your agency, you should align your services with the needs and wants of your clients. You also have to make sure that you use the correct approach to promote your agency. There are many ways for home care agencies to get more clients, so choose which strategy works best for your business.

Not sure what works for you?

You can opt to work with home care digital marketing solutions. This will help your business stand out from the crowd while you focus on your services.

Get in touch with us today for more information. Let us help you grow while you care for your clients.

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